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The Ultimate Biker Romance Bundle - Paperback


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 8740+ 5-Star Reviews
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Format: Paperback

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Bundle Description:

He watches his daughter walk away with an unreadable expression in his dark, piercing eyes. But the expression becomes quite clear once he sees me. His gaze takes me in from head to toe, his lips curling up into a grin, the intense lust in his eyes making a shock of desire hotter than flame rip right through my stomach.

I turn away, but much too late to hide just how hard I was checking him out too. It's exactly what I was doing. Because he's the first man in over six years that I really want to meet.

And exactly the type of guy I've vowed to stay away from forever.

- Cross (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 1)


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Lena Bourne created this superbly crafted Brotherhood of men and you need to read her work to understand just how addictive her work is.” - Amazon Reviewer

Continue reading if you like: 

 √ Motorcycle Club (MC) Romance
 √ Protective Hero: "Touch her and die."
 √ Dangerous Love
 √ Opposites Attract
 √ Alpha with a Soft Side

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Such a good read!! Seeing the characters come to life and grow in love all over again puts a smile on my face! Loved this entire series!!” - Amazon Reviewer


 √ Outlaw’s Hope (Viper’s Bite MC, Book 1)

 √ Outlaw’s Salvation (Viper’s Bite MC, Book 2)

 √ Outlaw’s Redemption (Viper’s Bite MC, Book 3)

 √ Rider's Fall (Viper’s Bite MC, Novella)

√ Cross (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 1)

√ Tank (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 2)

√ Rook (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 3)

√ Scar (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 4)

√ Ice (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 5)

√ Hawk (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 6)

√ Doc (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 7)

√ Ink (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 8)

√ Ace (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 9)

√ Colt (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 10)

√ Blaze (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 11)

√ Axle (Devil’s Nightmare MC, Novella)



♡ Outlaw’s Hope (Viper’s Bite MC Book 1)


I might be the newly made Vice President of Viper's Bite MC, but I'm getting out. The sooner the better. Just me, my bike, and the target on my back, riding off into the sunset. Because even a death sentence is preferable to the mess the new club President will get us into.

Then she walks into the strip joint I run, looking for a job. Tara. A girl with a stripper's name, but the face of an angel.

She's looking at me like she wants the same thing. But she keeps pushing me away. Smart girl. I should leave her be. I have no room for passengers on the back of my bike.

Though for her curvy body, I could make an exception.

♡ Outlaw’s Salvation (Viper’s Bite MC Book 2)


A friend asked me to find her and keep her safe. All it took was one touch of her lips to know I’d do that and more without being asked. After three nights of passion, I know I want her to be mine. But I have nothing to offer her. Best case scenario, I drink myself to an early grave. Worst case, I die or go to jail for life. She’s just here to have some fun, and I can give her that. But I can’t give her a future, because I have none. And I can’t saddle her with that, not after she only just got hers back. But it will be hard to let her go. Might even be impossible.

♡ Outlaw’s Redemption (Viper’s Bite MC Book 3)


Being the pretty boy among tough bikers is hard. It was a million times harder in prison. But the thing is—and most people wouldn’t guess it by looking at me—I love proving just how cruel and ruthless I really am. But there’s one person I love more. Sara. She left me when I went to jail, but I served my sentence, and now it’s time for her to come back to me. She’s my everything, always has been. She’s the only reason I haven’t turned into a complete monster yet. Without her, I have nothing. I will win her back. I’ll do whatever it takes. There’s no other way. I’m going insane just thinking I’ll never get to kiss her delicious curves again.

♡ Rider's Fall (A Viper's Bite MC Novella)


I never had a home, and the one I found with my MC is gone now too. But I will go on, I always have. I'll just ride like I've done since I got my bike. Ride as far as the road takes me. This time, it took me to the jungles of Brazil, and then it stopped dead. But not because it ran out.

I stopped for a girl named Chloe, a do-good volunteer at an orphanage who is clearly running from something, but she won't tell me what. She's not letting me get very close to her either, which won't stop me trying. Her curves and her pretty face were enough to halt my ride, but that's not why I'm staying. That's because being with her is being home--the kind of home I never had nor even wanted until she crossed my path. Now she's all I want, and I'm a guy who takes what he wants.


♡ Cross (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 1)

I'm the guy whose name brings fear into the hearts of even the hardest men. They call me Cross, because I've killed enough men to fill a cemetery, and I never saw any problem with that. Until a woman I hardly remember brought my eleven-year-old daughter that I didn't know existed, to my doorstep and left her for me to take care of.

At first my daughter was a complication I didn't need, but now I'll do everything I can to raise her right. I'll even stay away from her hot-as-sin guidance counselor Roxanne, who makes me feel like I'm twenty again, and not pushing forty. Which isn't to say I wouldn't show her what a real man can do with a woman like her.

♡ Tank (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 2)

I always had a thing for redheads, but between their wildness and fiery temper, I kept getting burned. Now that I'm VP of my motorcycle club, my wild and crazy days are over. But I lost none of my taste for redheads. So when Kim, the first redhead I've ever known who can keep her fire hidden behind a cool, though slightly uptight exterior appears in my life, the only sensible thing to do is go after her. Catch her, tame her and maybe even keep her. And she's not resisting either. She wants to be caught.

There's only one problem. I'm an outlaw biker, a killer wanted in five states, and she's the Sheriff's daughter. They say love conquers all, but this might be the exception that proves the rule.

♡ Rook (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 3)

I only ever loved one woman. I still love her, even though she left to get us breakfast one morning ten years ago and disappeared. I searched for her for months, but she was just gone. Most days it’s all a distant memory of what could’ve been, but I do think of her whenever I wake up next to a strange woman and wish it was her.

Now that I’ve finally found her, nothing and no one will keep me away from her ever again. Not even all of the Mexican cartel.

♡ Scar (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 4)

Twelve years ago I saved a woman after a bunch of low-lifes kidnapped her and kept her locked up for weeks. I risked everything--my future with the MC, even my life--to save Lynn. But they destroyed her. She was alive but nothing of her was left. So I forgot her, because I had no other choice. Now all the men who destroyed her life are dead, and I wanted her to know that.

No, she doesn’t need another monster in her life. But I can’t stay away. This time I’ll claim her, get what I couldn’t have then. And I don’t want to break her again, but I probably will.

♡ Ice (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 5)

The fighting cage made me a monster, and that’s what came out when they freed me. She thinks I saved her from monsters, but she just fell into the hands of an even bigger one. She also thinks we’re falling in love. She’s wrong. I forgot how to do that. Besides, love’s not what I want from her.

She should’ve run away from me when I told her to do it. Because now it’s too late.

♡ Hawk (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 6)

I lusted after the gorgeous female MMA fighter Yanna for years through the computer screen, where I spend most of my time as the hacker for the notorious Devil’s Nightmare MC. When I finally meet her in person, she’s everything I hoped she would be. And more. As sweet as honey, but edgy and hard like a knife too. The perfect blend of sass and sweet.

But being with her means going against direct orders from my President, and could mean messing up the most important job the MC’s taken on in years.

The trouble is, I don’t care. I’d gladly lose it all for the taste of her lips and the touch of her sweet curves.

♡ Doc (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 7)

I’m a lone wolf, I fly solo, and I’m not looking to find a woman to settle down with. The sum total of what I still want from this world is peace and silence, and being alone with my thoughts. That all held true until Anne came into my life. From the moment I saw her slumped over the wheel of her crashed car on the side of the road, I knew I wanted to know all there is to know about her.

But the more I find out, the more impossible claiming her becomes. She’s running from her abusive ex, and that’s a thing my brothers and I could easily deal with. But her ex is also an FBI Special Agent, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get her back. Messing with him could get us all arrested, or worse, killed.

I can’t let her go and I can’t risk the lives of my brothers to keep her. The choice between Anne and the MC is impossible to make. But, one way or another, I’ll have to make it.

♡ Ink (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 8)

Julie and me, we’ve been a couple of star-crossed lovers from the start. The things keeping us apart have only gotten more dangerous and deadly, since I made the mistake of leaving her the first time. What do I do now? Do I leave everything behind to keep on running with Julie at my back, and nothing but the open road before us? That’s always been our biggest dream. But to make it come true, I’d have to leave Devil’s Nightmare MC.

I might not survive leaving the Devils. But I know I won’t survive without Julie.

So, I know my choice. When all is said and done, it‘s an easy one.

♡ Ace (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 9)

The job Cross sent me on was simple—get cozy with the leaders of Roadside Sinners MC and find out which one of them has been snitching to the cops. Less than a day into the job, I’m already messing up. Her name is Stormi, she’s club property, and one of the guys I’m supposed to be making friends with is fixated on her. There’s not just one good reason why I should stay as far away from her as possible, there’s many.

But I’ve never been good at tempering lust with logic, and she’s not a woman I want for just one night. The longer I spend with her, the surer I am that I want her for all the nights of my life. And damn the consequences.

♡ Colt (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 10)

There she is, looking bored and gorgeous behind the bar, her midnight blue eyes showing me that perfect blend of wicked and nice. Her curves are just wicked. Two minutes of talking to her, and I know she’s the kind of woman you never tame. But I will try.

The only problem is, I met her while on a life and death type of job for Devil’s Nightmare MC. On any other night, I’d take her with me and never let her go. But I can’t mess up this job.

She’ll keep.

She better.

♡ Blaze (Devil's Nightmare MC, Book 11)

Years ago I walked away from a blood feud that has plagued my family for generations. I found a new family and a new home with Devil’s Nightmare MC. But no one walks away from the feud. I should have known that. I shouldn’t have tried to.

Now my brothers are in danger and I am the only one who can protect them. By my own death. There is no other way. And I will do what I must.

But Misti, a girl who glows like starlight and makes me wish I had my whole life to devote to her, is determined to save me.

But the thing is, she can’t.

♡ Axle (Devil’s Nightmare MC, Novella)

Twenty years ago she broke my heart. Since then, I devoted my life to fixing cars and my MC. I never thought I’d see her again. Now she’s back, with all my feelings for her in tow. Feelings I thought I killed and buried a long time ago.

But she’s a public prosecutor and I’m an outlaw biker. The two don’t mix.

The trouble is, I can’t let her go a second time. I won’t.



About Six Years Ago


A shot ringing out wakes me in the middle of the night. A man is screaming, my father is shouting, and I smell gasoline and fire. An orange light is coming in through my bedroom window, and it takes my sleep-muddled brain a few moments to put all that together. Our house is on fire and someone set it. We're under attack.

"Dad!" I scream. "What's happening?"

"Run, Roxie!" he shouts back.

A second shot rings out. It’s followed by a scream of pain from my father.

I should be doing what he told me, climbing out my window and running away. Instead, I fling my bedroom door open and run toward the sound of Dad's scream. He sounded like he was in pain. I must help him.

The hallway outside my room is dark, because it has no windows, so the orangey light outside can't reach it. But the smell of burning is worse here.

"Finish him off," a strange man says. A second later, I hear another shot.

"No!" I scream and run faster, my bare feet hitting the wooden planks and making a lot of noise, but I hardly hear it, hardly feel the thuds.

The door of my father's bedroom is open, but I can't see anyone inside. Maybe I'm just dreaming. Maybe this is just a nightmare. But the smell of smoke is burning my nose, and my heart is thumping so hard my whole body is pulsing. I don't think this is a dream.

And when I reach my father's bedroom, I'm certain of it. He's lying on the floor by his bed, in a pool of his own blood, groaning, his eyes full of fear like I’ve never seen there before, as they lock on mine. His room is awash in the orange light of the fire raging somewhere outside.

"Daddy!" I yell and run to him. But a pair of arms locks tight around my waist, not only stopping me, but also hoisting me into the air.

"Why, if it isn't Roxie," the man holding me says in a sleazy, slimy, lewd voice. "You've grown into a beautiful woman since I saw you last. You should be proud, Wolfman," he adds, addressing my father who lets out a growl and tries to stand, but can't.

I'm fighting to free myself from the man’s grip as hard as I can, but he's head and shoulders taller than me and twice as wide.

My father's eyes are still locked on mine, but the light in them is fading. I have to get to him, I have to stop the bleeding, I have to save him.

"I'm sorry, Roxie," he whispers, his eyes fluttering shut.

"No! Daddy!" I scream. "Don't die!"

But his open eyes have no light in them anymore.

"You should've listened to your Daddy and run," the man who's still holding me tight whispers into my ear. "But you wouldn't get far even if you had."

His breath smells of garlic and nastiness.

"Let me go!" I scream. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lizard, President of Satan’s Spawn MC," he says. "Your daddy crossed me and now he's dead. And all his men are dead. And you're mine, pretty Roxie. Time to go."

I fight him all the way to the stairs as he carries me from the room, but his grip on me is like iron shackles.

"Settle down, or I'll throw you down the stairs," he hisses. And while I'd prefer to be dead, the sudden shock of facing a tumble down the stairs does make me freeze.

"Good girl," he whispers as he descends with me in his arms. We're almost halfway down the stairs before I regain my senses and start fighting again.

He stops and grips me by the throat with one hand, squeezing hard. "Better settle down, while I'm still in a good mood, Roxie. You won't like me in a bad mood."

It's a threat I believe. But I'm past caring. I'd rather die than go with him.

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